9 research outputs found

    Weighted Trimean as a Regressor in the Estimate of Theil-Sen Regression

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    The most used method in nonparametric regression analysis is the Theil-Sen approach. With this method, all coefficient estimations are made with the median parameter as opposed to parametric methods. The most important criticism in computations with the median parameter is that the impact of extreme values does not participate in calculations.  In this study, it was proposed to use the trimean parameter by weighting, which more effectively adds the effect of outliers to the average account in Theil-Sen regression analysis. In applications with 5 data sets, Theil-Sen calculations with weighted trimean were found to be more successful than calculations with the median parameter. Thus, in cases where the outliers are too high or directly affect the data, it can be said that the use of weighted trimean will yield more effective results

    Comparison of fuzzy clustering methods in economic freedom ranking in Asia-Pacific

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    Economic freedom can be defined as freedom in which individuals can perform their economic activities freely without being exposed to the pressures and constraints. The aim of the studies on the classification of countries according to their economic freedoms is to determine the place of the countries in the world or in the continent where they are located. In this way, the status of the countries with sustainable growth and high welfare is determined. In this study, it is aimed to rank Asian countries according to economic freedom data. In contrast to many classifications and sorting studies, the present study attempts to determine the best sorting method by comparing multiple methods. As a result of the economic freedoms published by the Heritage Foundation every year, the conditions of Asian countries between 2015-2019 were determined. Fuzzy C-Means, Gath-Geva and Gustafson-Kessel methods, which are the three most commonly used methods, were used in the fuzzy clustering analysis. The results obtained from all fuzzy clustering methods were compared and interpreted with the results of the Heritage Foundation year by year. According to all analysis results, it can be said that the Fuzzy C-means method is more successful for Economic Freedom data and classification studies. According to the Fuzzy C-Means method, the three best Asian countries were Hong Kong, New Zealand and Australia respectivel

    Economic Freedom Index Calculation Using FCM

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    The Index of Economic Freedom is an annual index and ranking created by The Heritage Foundation and The Wall Street Journal in 1995 to measure the degree of economic freedom in the world's nations. There are many kinds of Economic Freedom Indices depending on variables which many institute or company determine for their research. The aim is to predict countries or regions according to economic parameters. In this study, fuzzy clustering algorithm is proposed for economic freedom ındex calculation. By using degree of memberships founded by FCM, Economic Freedom index will be calculated for regions. Results compared with indices calculated by The Heritage Foundation for the year 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016. It is showed that FCM is an alternative method for index calculating systems


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    In chess, in order to determine the status of chess players and their ranks in classification, World Chess Federation awards players with titles - provided that they fulfill certain criteria. The greatest title that can be earned is the title of Grand Master. In this study, age of becoming Chess Grand Masters has been studied. The factors which have caused the age of becoming a Great Master to fall rapidly in recent years have been researched. It has been found that birth dates close to our day and other social opportunities are influential in the fall of the age of Grand Masters.  Article visualizations


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    Cardiovascular diseases, one of the important health problems of our day, seriously threaten human health. For this reason, it is very important to raise awareness about cardiovascular health from childhood and to develop behaviors accordingly. The aim of this study is to find out cardiovascular health awareness in students between the ages of 7 and 16 during the pandemic. 216 students continuing their education in the city centre of Sivas, Turkey participated in the study. A survey form on socio-demographic characteristics of the students and Children’s Cardiovascular Health Promotion Attitude Scale (CCHPAS) were used in the study. Demographic characteristics were collected online with a 9-question form. KMO value (0.741) was found to be moderate. Bartlett Sphericity test (p=0.00) was found to be significant. The fact that these two values are significant shows that the survey is suitable for factor analysis. 4 factors were determined as a result of factor analysis. These 4 factors explain 60% of the variance. No statistically significant difference was found in both total scale and 4 factors in terms of gender (p>0.05). While no statistically significant difference was found for the first factor in terms of the state of having social media account (p>0.05), significant difference was found for the other factors and total scale score (p0.05), difference was found in terms of Factor 3 and total scale scores (

    ÜNİVERSİTE ÖĞRENCİLERİNİN BULUNDUKLARI İL EKONOMİSİNE KATKILARI: CUMHURİYET ÜNİVERSİTESİ ÖRNEĞİ / Contributions Of University Students To The Provincial Economy: Cumhuriyet University Example

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    Üniversiteler; toplumun sosyal ve kültürel altyapısını oluşturan en önemli kurumlardan biridir. Üniversiteye istihdam edilen personeller, kurum için yapılan harcamalar, yerel sektörler anlaşmaları ve öğrenci harcamaları nedeniyle üniversiteler; yerel ekonomilerin kalkınmasında önemli etkilere sahiptirler. Bulundukları bölgenin havasının değişmesine sebep olan üniversiteler, bölgenin ekonomik faaliyetlerinde de canlanmaya sebep olmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi öğrencilerinin 2017 yılı için, Sivas ili ekonomisine katkısı araştırılmıştır. Bunun için Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi öğrencilerine anket çalışması uygulanmıştır. Anket sonucunda, öğrencilerin çeşitli harcama kalemlerine göre harcadıkları miktarları tespit edilmiş ve sosyo-ekonomik özellikleri belirlenmiştir. İstatistiki karşılaştırmalar ile de harcama kalemlerinin farklılıkları belirlenmiştir. Son olarak, Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi öğrencilerinin Sivas ili ekonomisine katkısı miktar olarak hesaplanmıştır

    COVID-19 DATA RELIABILITY RANKING OF COUNTRIES WITH GREY RELATIONAL ANALYSIS AND BENFORD’S LAW / Gri İlişkisel Analiz Ve Benford Yasası Yardımıyla Ülkelerin Covid-19 Veri Güvenirliği Sıralaması

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    The covid-19 disease has become a pandemic that spreads at an unexpected pace around the world. There are more than 450 million cases and 6 million deaths worldwide at the start of March 2022. Benford's law is a statistical technique that serves to determine whether data fraud has been committed in a data structure that uses repetitive numbers. In this study, 18 countries with more than 5 million cases worldwide were ranked using grey relational analysis with the help of Benford's law, an effective method of data fraud. 18 countries are listed separately for 2 years of data with the help of the grey relational analysis method and Benford’s analysis results. According to the results of the study, it was determined that some countries showed changes in data reliability between 2020 and 2021. It has been determined that the data of Germany, France, and the Netherlands are the most reliable


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    Covid-19 virus, which entered our lives in the last period of 2019, has caused radical changes in our lives. After the pandemic was declared, the threat of the epidemic that affected the whole world caused us to change a large number of our habits. In particular, the periods when people were closed at home, which led to a decrease in physical activity levels. In our study, an international physical activity form was given to 278 students between the ages of 7 and 16. Physical activity levels of the students in the past week and what activities they did were found. 162 male students and 116 female students participated in the study. 28 of these students were in primary education, 154 were in secondary education and 96 were in high school. While 7 of the students who participated in the study had barriers to doing sports, it was found that 271 students did not have any. As a result of the analyses conducted about the prevalence of physical activity, it was found that the students were moderately active. It was found that 8.8% of the students were highly active, 23.8% were very active, 30.74% were moderately active, 19.11% were slightly active and 17.57% were inactive (sedentary). In terms of the ways of doing activity in general, it can be seen that during the pandemic, individuals preferred activities which were easy to do at home and on the street and also which were less risky. It can be said that sports branches performed as a team are generally avoided. Activities that are easy to do and less risky, such as running and walking for exercise, have come to the fore during the pandemic process. Article visualizations